
Up to last week, my circle of playtesters was limited to a small group of family and friends.  My intention is to widen this group of players gradually , taking on board new feedback and making the game more feature rich at each step, before opening the gates to the next circle.

Three days ago I set up a page on where interested players could sign up for a limited-places alpha for Star Dynasties.  This coincided with a first view of the game by Nookrium.

Thanks to Nookrium and itch, I’ve hit my goal for the first round of places for Star Dynasties in just three days!  I’m really pleased that the game has generated so much interest on the basis of this first look video and a static page, and am absolutely stoked to continue working to expand and polish the game.

The alpha testers have started posting feedback to the game’s reddit, so if you’re interested to know more about the state of the game and what playing it is like, come take a look.

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